Translation for Films, TV, Documentaries & More
We specialize in translating the following 4 major languages:
From each language into English or English into each.
Our specialty is entertainment, BUSINESS AND EDUCATION
We’ve provided transcripts and CCSL’s (Combined Continuity & Spotting Lists) to filmmakers, producers and others since early 1993, but that doesn’t mean we’re exclusive to entertainment. Several large corporations and businesses have trusted us with their focus groups, including advertising agencies conducting critical in-house research. We’ve also provided a significant amount of work for Educational organizations and resources.
If you have footage, media, video or audio of any kind or a script, novel, book or publication that needs to be translated, reach out to us for a quote.
The big advantage with us is that we’re reachable. If you pick up the phone, we’re going to either answer directly or get back to you quickly. What do we translate?
We translate for entertainment companies, production companies, TV shows, celebrities, and side projects.
We translate business documents.
Board minutes.
Documentary films.
TV shows, episodic primarily.
Website translation.
Translation is priced per-word generally but we also give per-minute quotes and per-project estimates.
We've been in business since 1993.
Call 818.439.1274 or email: